1990-1999: We're at the end of the Century...
During this time, there were about three fashion changes one change was in the early 1990's, the second one was in the mid 1990's, and the final change was in the late 1990's. During the 199's the youth fashion was greatly influenced by the media and the hottest new hip-hop artists.And because of this, many young people wanted to be apart of the "hottest new trend" and soon bought almost all of the stock in many stores.
"But then grunge happened. Suddenly every thrift store in town couldn’t keep a flannel shirt in stock to save their backs. Teens were digging through dad’s box of old clothes to get their hands on some authentic hole-ridden jeans to wear over top of their long john stockings. Barbers nearly went out of business because no one under 17 got their hair cut any more (OK, we may be exaggerating just a little.)"
"Also in the early nineties fashions worn by hop hop artists were becoming increasingly mainstream. And because of the growing popularity of hip hop music among the suburban community, urban styles were seen everywhere, not just in the big city. By the late 1990s hip hop style was arguably the most popular among young people"
"Starting in the mid-90s, industrial and military styles crept into mainstream fashion. People were finding any way to make a fashion accessory out of a piece of machinery. Camouflage pants were ironically worn by anti-war protesters."
"Interestingly enough, late 90s clothing styles are not too drastically different than they are today. In the 1990s, musicians had a much greater influence on what young people wore than designers. All a kid in Kansas had to do was turn on MTV for the latest east and west coast styles of the moment."
What was new in the Fashion of the 1900's was the fact that it was developed by many people of the span of the decade. At first the style held resemblances to the 80's but as the years went on new music artists in the media came up with their new styles which quickly became mainstream but by the end of the decade people began to enjoy dressing up in more "elegant" clothes. The fashion that I'm mainly focusing on is the fashion trend set by the hip-hop artists and the trend called "grunge", they occurred because of the popularity the styles gained from the media.
The fashion style of the 1900's is an expression of the time because it shows how the media began to influence peoples daily decisions and even how they thought about the world. Fashion was also used to protest in the mid 1900's. Many people wore camo-pants and used it in anti-war protests that they held. This is one of the best expressions of the period because fashion can be used to express your inner feelings without having to physically speak about how you feel. Everything in society is about expression and fashion is just one of the ways you can sort of "show-where-you-stand" so to speak. What you wear and how you wear it is all that one person needs to see how you feel and what you're speaking for or against.
What the fashion style of the 1990's can't tell us about the time period is that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and that Germany was once again united, and that the internet became available to people in 1993. There's a lot of information that fashion can't tell us, but that doesn't mean it's a useless thing. The fashion of before helped to bring the fashion that we have today and I'm glad that we have the fashion we have today because I don't have to wear dresses all the time and I have many choices of what to wear. In the 1990's the fashion style called the "grunge" became mainstream as more and more people adopted the style. They mainly adopted it because the hip hop artists influenced them.
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